Lorna Smith Benjamin

The latest in SASB and IRT

Leary festschrift

Interpersonal theorists at a festschrift honoring Timothy Leary

Interpersonal theorists honoring Timothy Leary for his interpersonal circle, developed when he was at Harvard. It was very influential in the careers of everyone in the picture. Front row, LSB, Tim Leary, Jerry Wiggins. Back Row: Bob Carson, Len Horowitz, Maurice Lorr.

3 comments on “Leary festschrift

  1. Shane
    October 11, 2017

    I’d like to know if you have a video of that with Leary getting honored. Please email me cause i’d like to buy it so that i can see it. Thank You

    • Lorna Smith Benjamin
      October 12, 2017

      It was just a photo. Not a video.

      • Shane
        October 16, 2017

        I seen one of your talks on youtube and thought you did a good job. The reason why i watched it was because
        John Gladfelter said that you did a bad job on your 1993 book saying it was somewhat backwards and thought
        that you were trying to mislead TL in someway. I personally was dissapointed in John because of the way he
        came off saying that it was only TL who put it all together when it wasn’t.

        Out of the 2 1/2 hour interview he came off putting TL on a big peta-stool as if he was some kind of god like person when he’s not…. Tim seemed turned off by him but i could be wrong about the whole disscusion… the ppl that make these dialogs; really know how to munipulate and play them cameras.

        It still doesn’t make it right slandering other ppl’s books. I personally just wanted my money back after buying it 12 years ago. The disscusion between John and some lady didn’t look fake but the one with John and Tim seemed like it was set up. Anyway, good job on your book and thanks for explaining it in a more understandable way. Looking foward to hearing your next talk and maybe you can explain this magic guy John as well.

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