Lorna Smith Benjamin

The latest in SASB and IRT

Workshops for professionals

Workshops for professionals

Earlier workshops were focused on SASB usually in relation to personality disorders. More recent workshops have been about treatment using IRT. I love to talk about each of these subjects, but many clinicians need “convincing” before they can see value in learning SASB principles. Therefore I usually talk mostly about IRT. But even if listeners wanted to hear about SASB as well as IRT, is not realistic to try to cover all of these topics in a single workshop day. Multiday workshops typically emphasize, at audience request, more role plays and consultations regarding difficult cases presented by participants

My favorite part of workshops is when a volunteer therapist offer to play (become, or as it turns out- become possessed by) their most vexing, stuck, long term patient. One psychiatrist observed: “I have never before seen a speaker do a demonstration that was not pre-programmed. This is amazing.” With one exception (that volunteer was not a therapist, it turned out), the result has been credible IRT case formulations and treatment suggestions that the participant therapists found to be useful. Sometimes I hear back from role players who say the suggestions went very well with their patient.

A good way for a clinician to become acquainted with the IRT interviewing style, case formulation and treatment models is to attend one or more day long workshops in IRT.

illustrative evaluations of workshops and notice of upcoming workshops

Italian society for Psychotherapy Sept 2013

comments on a multi day workshop

Qualitative evaluations from a 2 day workshop on IRT

Evaluation of 2 hour presentation 2012

Mainstreet Tarragona the evening before a workshop in Spain

Travel teaches: We are all fundamentally the same.

One comment on “Workshops for professionals

  1. Monica
    May 25, 2018

    I’d love to have some informations about next IRT trainings in Europe. Thanks a lot.

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