Lorna Smith Benjamin

The latest in SASB and IRT

Lorna Smith Benjamin Consulting, LLC

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Lorna Smith Benjamin, Ph.D., ABPP, creator of Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) and Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT), is available for consultation using these tools in assessment, service delivery and theoretical and applied research. These consultations can take the form of workshops and seminars for professionals; conversations and perhaps minor programming for researchers who might need help with data management; individual consultations with licensed psychotherapists about their cases; and private psychotherapy for individuals, couples or families. Some of this can be done by Skype if necessary if proper safeguards and permissions are in place.

Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB; Benjamin, 1974, 1987, 1996/2003) is a well validated and reliable tool for assessing social interactions from both subjective and objective points of view. It has been used most in studies of psychopathology and psychotherapy, but there are useful applications elsewhere as in, for example, studying connections between performance anxiety and “family in the head.”

Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT;Benjamin, 2003/2006) is an integrative, evidence based based treatment for complex as well as “standard” cases. It is guided by individualized case formulations (more than by categorical diagnoses) founded on “natural biology.” The treatment model systematically selects from “techniques” in any approach that will target psychosocial mechanisms that are supporting symptoms activated by current stresses. Evidence base for effectiveness is data showing that trainee therapists who adhere more closely to the case formulation and treatment models have better results in the short and in the long term.

These and other subjects are addressed by the menu of tabs on the left hand side. For most of these, additional information is available if you click on the new tabs that pop to the right when you rest your curser on one of the menu tabs. If you double click on figures and graphs, they will enlarge.

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This entry was posted on October 9, 2012 by .


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