Lorna Smith Benjamin

The latest in SASB and IRT

Personal information

complete-vitae-for-lsb-January 2018

LSB and friend in Park City

Current Hobbies: Writing, having lunch with friends, photography, golfing, hiking, programming, learning from The Teaching Company and Google, working out while listening to current books, watching selected movies.

Atrophied hobbies: skiing, playing clarinet, portraiture and figure drawing.

Charcoal is my favorite medium

Skiing on my 72nd birthday. Might try again this year…

Current favorite movies: Blind Spot – Hitler’s Secretary; Secret;Vision: from the life of Hildegard von Bingen; First Position; Queen to Play; le Papillon; Flowers of War; Bread and Tulips; Hedgehog

Current favorite books: Truman by David McCullough; Fall of Giants by Ken Follett; Light in August by William Faulkner

Family: Family of origin live/lived in or near Rochester, New York. I am grateful to the generations before me for their efforts and sacrifices that have made things better for all of us who followed. My two daughters and grandchildren are scattered through USA, as is the custom these days. I chose a home in a place where there are many interesting things to do, hoping that would enhance choices to visit. It has worked out well enough. And I not only love, but I very much like my children, their spouses and the grandchildren. All are warm and generous, fun- loving, seriously engaged with life, able to enjoy their many blessings and eager to “give back” to others. Here are some family pictures

Friend Sally, Granddaughter newly graduated from univeristy, and LB

Daughters sharing another joke

Youngest daughter and her fabulous husband

Oldest daughter and her children hiking in Bryce Canyon years ago


Youngest granddaughter now headed for college

Time has marched on. Like all of her siblings, this Grandaughter has graduated from college and now works as an engineer…. Their father is an engineer.

She will be married later this month. Here is the happy couple:

Younger grandaughter & husband

Grandma is VERY HAPPY too!!!


Grandson and his proud Dad

6 comments on “Personal information

  1. dickiessong
    December 10, 2012

    Congratulations on your new website! I am so happy to see you here. If I could make a wish come true, it would be to have a cup of whatever in the morning for a few minutes with you everyday! You understand the compassion I have for my parents ~ “parents are also “victims” of the environment in which they were raised”. I am grateful for your hard work and wish every therapist used your models - the long version - the world would be a better place!

    • Lorna Smith Benjamin
      January 18, 2013

      Thank you so very much for your comment.
      I trust that you are able to have empathy for your parents and at the same time have enough distance from their “Red”: (maladaptive) messages to be free to have your own healthy (Birthright) self..
      Very best wishes to you.

  2. Malin Hildebrand Karlén
    May 15, 2013

    Dear professor Benjamin,

    I am a clinical psychologist from Sweden who currently is in the middle of my doctoral education. I use the SASB-model (principally the action/reaction-form) in my dissertation, and right now I’m reading your ‘Interpersonal diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders’. The model i so user-friendly while still being highly complex and the book is really fantastic. You have contributed greatly to our field and I’m very much indebted to you for giving me a balanced perspective on psychiatric diagnoses and handling interpersonal breakdowns. Thank you!!
    Best regards,

    • Lorna Smith Benjamin
      May 15, 2013

      Dear Malin,
      Thanks for taking the time to comment.I’m glad you find the “SASB lens” useful in the clinic as well as in your research. My favorite version is the full model because it allows so much precision in an otherwise elusive domain. In my next book (almost finished now) I use SASB and “natural biology”to argue that personality disorder and symptoms of anger, anxiety and depression are powerfully and naturally linked together. I hope you enjoy that too.

  3. Fjob Rura
    January 9, 2017

    Hello Lorna: writes XX wanted to congratulate you for your work that is very useful for us in Chile, I am a psychologist and trainer of therapists. I am co-director of this institute: http://www.humanizasantiago.cl.

    Our Italian friends from Scuola Mara Selvini and Palazzoli from Milan have told us about you. Also Dr. Luigi Cancrini of Rome.

    What would you need for us to bring you to Chile to give a seminar or a few days of training for therapists? It would be a dream to hear you.

    A tender greeting,

    Freddy Orellana.

  4. Lorna Smith Benjamin
    January 27, 2018

    Dear Freddy Orellana,
    Thank you for this note and the invitation. I look forward to meeting with you and your colleagues in the Summer of 2018!

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